Meet Kathryn

Kathryn M Milian is a Vibrational Therapist, Photographer & Spiritual Mentor.

Kathryn's Mission is to heal the world by mentoring the souls that wish to anchor more light and love on Gaia.

Kathryn is the founder of Gaia Energy Therapies and Kathryn Milian Photography, now both consolidated into Kathryn M Milian.

my story top

Kathryn has been a practicing Vibrational Therapist for over 20 years and many years experience as a Photographer. Her wealth of knowledge and wisdom has been applied to create courses and mentoring programs for souls that wish to expand their mindset and finances to receive more in life, anchoring more love, compassion and freedom on Mother Earth – Gaia.

kathryn and storm

My Story

Many moons ago when I was a little girl, I became captivated by energy and I just knew there was magic to be created in this world. 

I knew that there was much more to life than what we were taught in schools. Something was missing… Something just didn’t feel right, like life was missing something.

There was a part of me that just couldn’t believe that happiness came from going to school, getting a job, retiring at an old age. I felt like I was living an experience that had no purpose. I felt alone and unsupported.

When I was a child, I would look to the stars and planets in the sky for guidance, wishing for an answer to the question…

“Why am I here?”.

So, to feel more connected, I would spend most weekends with my animals, journaling and searching for the divine connection to nature that my soul so desired.

I grew up feeling like I didn’t fit into this world, I wanted more from life, so I started following signs from the universe. 

As I spoke to my soul, I knew I had to magically create a new reality. This led me to a path of self-discovery and finding my true purpose.

Deep down, I wished to see souls healing their lives and creating the life of their dreams supporting human evolution and creating divine connections so humanity can unite and thrive.

I have been called to support as many souls I can, to assist in creating a world where there is freedom for everyone; and where LOVE is the dominant frequency.

I thought to myself…. How can I create this Magical Reality? I was in a 3D office job I did not enjoy. I felt like no one understood me! I felt like it was impossible to live the life I desired; like I had nothing else to live for; and the world felt like it was crumbling down around me, and that there was no hope for us; for humanity. 

I wasn’t doing anything to help the world get any better either, and in that one moment, I realised I had hit rock bottom.

In that moment I surrendered to the universe and asked for guidance.  I found an amazing online community which helped me to find the gratitude in the things I took for granted, I put up positive affirmations on my walls that I assisted me in getting through this tough time. This enabled me to establish a way out of the 3D lifestyle that I had created for myself and I no longer felt like my experiences were happening to me instead they were happening for me.

I realised I needed to do something to change my life and be an active participant in creating this Magical World that I so desired. 

I transformed my thoughts and worked through all the emotions and trauma that came up whilst journaling and grounding daily. I used the energy from Crystals to support this transformation and I spent a lot of time in nature, grounding, pondering life and all its wonders. Nature and animals have helped me see my trauma clearly.

I always feel connected now and never alone; I am always supported when I am in nature, listening to the birds, the wind, the trees and so much more. I realised all the wisdom I hold inside and have embodied over my lifetime has to be shared with the world.


Then I remembered my souls creation from 15 years ago that I had left behind as I got sucked back into the 3D Matrix system: I refer to the businesses I had set up to working with people one on one to support them with their evolution and transmuting their traumas by anchoring more light and love on Gaia. I did this with the assistance of Reiki, Crystals, Past Life Regression Therapy and much more.  

My photography packages and prints also bring joy, happiness and nature back into people’s lives, with potent codes of creation I am creating beautiful memories.

Finally, I realised what my purpose is: To reconnect with my soul business, transforming it with a powerful quantum grid to anchor more light on Gaia through Vibrational Therapies, Electrolyzed Water and Coded Photography.

More than ever as a population, we need to embrace a new way of living; to create a world with more compassion, love, forgiveness and gratitude. We don’t learn any of this in school and I know we can all benefit from knowing the truth of how powerful we humans really are and the potential we hold within us. Centuries of information and lifetimes are held within our DNA just waiting to be awakened.

So, I became super-aligned with my soul purpose. I revisited my study books and case studies and found multiple mentors to assist in the evolution of my business. I discovered attraction marketing and quantum tools that nourished my soul desires. 


I attended “Quantum Magic School” and studied at “Born for More Academy” and currently studying with another wonderful coach from The Powerhouse Collective. I learned about how to re-connect with my soul and my soul family, my guides and other galactic beings. I discovered my true roots and galactic ancestry. I re-connected with my pendulum and started living my life in divine connection with these amazing beings. I re-connected with nature, implemented daily practices which catapulted my transformation, and I learned the systems and processes which are part of creating wealth online.

I reflected on the past 10 years that I spent outside of my passion: I now realise that it was here, during this time; that I learned what it was like to fall back into the matrix and climb back out again and how easy it is to forget what we really want out of life. How easy it is to obtain trauma through living in the 3D world and to just put aside everything that matters because we are told to follow the way of things. We are taught not to question anything, just put our head down and keep on going until we retire or die. 

Without those 10 years of fully being in the matrix I would not have experienced what it is like for others that are also stuck in this world and going through a rapid awakening. 

If it wasn’t for those 10 years, I would not have searched out the mentors I have had the pleasure of working with over these last two years to help me find my true purpose and calling.

kathryn crystals

My relationship with family now thrives and my friendships are strengthened. 

I started creating a pathway to release myself from the good old office job that was keeping me from truly expressing myself. 

I started looking after my health with amazing Water and aligning myself with products and companies that nourish my body and my vibration.

My horses have even noticed a change in me, their demeanor instantly softened once I started doing this work. 

I began to realise there were things I could do to change my vibration and anchor in those 5D business codes, impacting the vibration of others too.

So on a daily basis I now connect with my higher self, I ground, I play in nature, I enjoy my animals, watch and photograph the birds and the sunsets, I also commune with my soul family, my galactic family and Gaia so I may receive guidance and see great changes in the world.

I realise that change only comes when we choose to change and when we realise how powerful our mind and our energy truly is.

If you find yourself in a situation where life doesn’t feel that good. 

Where you are feeling alone…

Where no one else understands you.

Know there is something more out there for you….

Create your own world; manifest your dreams; re-create those belief systems that hold you back; and learn the tools to help you rise above the darkness and shine your light so bright the old way of living just falls away.

So if you find yourself in the same situation, keep going, find gratitude in every part of your life, even when it is the hardest.

Stay conscious of your thoughts and your energy, ask yourself if you are in alignment with your souls desires.

Empty the trauma cup and make way for new information; new codes. 

Keep searching for souls that inspire you, that nourish you and support you. 

Know that your life will change. 

Stick to your path and stay true to you!


I love you

Hold the Light


kathryn meditating